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Unintentionally Hilarious Leftist Paranoia ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Friday, February 18, 2005
Best of my blogroll I haven't done a survey of my blogroll in a while. Here's some good stuff from the writers from the right on the left. Think that one through. --- Ace of Spades quoting Ann Coulter: "Let’s burn their books when they burn our conservative newspapers... that way we can oppress them and increase global warming at the same time." The Ace has lots more good stuff from Saint Ann at the same link. --- The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler offers a hilarious running commentary on a story entitled - I'm not making this up - "Kyoto protest beaten back by inflamed petrol traders." A bunch of Greenpeace slime tried to storm the International Petroleum Exchange. "What they were not prepared for," the article informs us, "was the post-prandial aggression of oil traders who kicked and punched them back on to the pavement." To which my response is almost identical to the AIR's Imperial Torturer. Namely: "BWUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" --- Eric Cowperthwaite discusses TANSTAAFL. Hmmmmm. I always remembered it as TINSTAAFL. At any rate, his discourse is worth a look. Particularly the bit about costs most people who don't own their own businesses never consider: "The bottom line, everything has a cost associated with it. The pretzels in your favorite bar are free because they are salty and you will drink your beer faster and buy more beer, or maybe the owner factors the 'free pretzels' into his overhead, which is applied to the cost of the beer before he sells it to you. I think every citizen should have to do the cost proposal for a bid for new business. They should have to build up the cost of an employee, including salary, bonuses, raises, floor space costs, computers and software, email, unemployment and social security insurance, benefits package, vacation, sick days and holidays and see just what it costs per employee. Then figure out how many employees in a given category they need to do a given amount of work for the company or government agency that requires the work to be done. Then figure out all of your other expenses, electricity, water, municipal, state and federal taxes, community improvement, charity donations, servers and software applications to enable the business and so on." --- So here's an odd story. Curmudgeon Emeritus Francis Porretto of Eternity Road visited a blog where he saw this story about patrons in a McDonalds parking lot in France getting verbally abused because they were speaking to each other in English. He left this brief comment: "MacDonald's? Non, non! C'est ne pas francais! Je voudrais une Whopper avec la works!" Which, if I still remember what I learned in four years of French I correctly, means roughly: "McDonald's? No, no, that's not French! I want a Whopper with the works!" Apparently he was accosted by person or persons unknown who took this little quip as a sign of American linguistic imperialism or some such thing. Which prompted him to write a nifty little essay on why English is the only universal language and is likely to remain so for some time: "Because American English adapts readily to new developments, accepts words borrowed from other tongues without resistance, and is relaxed enough in its rules to permit considerable departure from them without depriving the speaker of his ability to communicate, its hegemony has not limited the world's intercourse in any perceptible way. This would not have been the case with any of the ideographic languages, in which it's supremely difficult to use a dictionary and even harder to compose one. Nor would it have been the case with a language to which some national government laid a claim of title, as was the case with French. --- Wonderful stuff continues to come in from Iraq the Model. If you want the Iraq story that the New York Times won't tell you, this is where you look. Here's some news from today's entry "Now they're targeting the She'at citizens and their religious symbols and mosques and I think this is a proof that they're losing and that their pre-election strategy was wrong and going back to the civil war plan that was previously applied (and proved to be ineffective) after the liberation indicates their bankruptcy and their inability to find a new effective strategy to face the huge success great determination of the people. Now it seems that the terrorists are recycling their stupid. --- Michael the Archangel takes on The Law of the Sea Treaty It sounds boring. It isn't. The Law of the Sea Treay (LOST) is a classic example of why most all internationalist prescriptions are bad, bad, bad for both the citizens of the U.S. and the cause of individual liberty. It's also a classic example of how the odorless bureaucratic poison dispensed by nameless men in gray suits can be as lethal as that peddled by wild-eyed revolutionaries in jungle fatigues. "This is not a new treaty, it has been around for over 20 years, it was first presented to President Reagan, who refused to ratify it saying, "On April 30 (1982) the (U.N.) conference adopted a convention that does not satisfy the objectives sought by the United States. It was adopted by a vote of 130 in favor, with 4 against (including the United States) and 17 abstentions. Those voting "no" or abstaining appear small in number but represent countries which produce more than 60% of the world's gross national product and provide more than 60% of the contributions to the United Nations." --- On the lighter side (at least today), The Anarchangel (formerly Random Mumblings) wonders what Scott Adams (the Dilbert cartoonist) intended by delving into politics. In case you missed it, he's got the strip. My own take on the strip was that I was happy to see that Adams hasn't been swallowed up by the left. George Will once opined that any organization that isn't avowedly conservative will almost certainly become avowedly liberal, and I think the same can generally be said of creative-types. Adams seems safe for now, though. As a side note, I'm glad to see that Chris changed the name of his blog. I think it's quite an improvement over "Random Mumblings," since his comments are hardly random and hardly mumbling. Check out Chris' blog. --- Yikes! Ravenswood informs us that Hillary Clinton wants federal legislation to make election day a national holiday AND allow ex-felons to vote! I guess she knows where her party's bread is buttered. --- Kevin Baker of The Smallest Minority uses an idiotic anti-gun commment on another blog to demonstrate the fascist mindset behind the typical gun-grabber. --- And finally - and this is a great way to wrap up - the Zebra Report has a beautiful picture spread under the heading: "Pictures From Iraq That Are Too Shocking & Graphic for The Mainstream Media." Don't worry, take a look. It'll make your day....I promise. Blogroll, please...... Chris Byrnes' Random Mumblings is proudly added to the blogroll. His contempt for the Kyoto Treaty alone is enough to merit his addition. He also happens to be right on the other issues from what I can tell. In my humble opinion, he should have gone with his URL - "Anarchangel" - as his title. But hey, it's his blog. Check it out. Thursday, February 17, 2005
Leftists Check Their Premises Case A Some Europeans ask the unthinkable: "Is it possible that Bush wasn't entirely wrong?" Not very loudly, mind you. And not huge numbers of them. But if this article in the International Herald Tribune is at all correct, a small group of freethinkers among the European elite is at least considering the possibility. Now the fact that a minority of Europeans are considering that Bush MIGHT not be ENTIRELY wrong might seem like a small thing. That's primarily because it is a small thing. But it's still of at least passing interest, if for no other reason than to provide encouragement to those of us who believe that nearly all men are capable of redemption. "A specter is haunting Europe and it is the possibility, after the elections in Iraq, that perhaps Bush is less of a dangerous bungler than so many Europeans previously believed him to be.... Case B An American leftist on the state of the American left: "Losing Our Delusions: Not Much Left" So says Martin Peretz in this article in The New Republic. Peretz, unlike most of his leftist brethren, is genuinely reflective and willing to examine what, in other contexts, the left likes to call the "root causes" of the phenomenon he explores. LIKE his fellow-travelers, alas, he can't resist looking to Europe for validation of his hunches. The longest journey..... "Ask yourself: Who is a truly influential liberal mind in our culture? Whose ideas challenge and whose ideals inspire? Whose books and articles are read and passed around? There's no one, really. What's left is the laundry list: the catalogue of programs (some dubious, some not) that Republicans aren't funding, and the blogs, with their daily panic dose about how the Bush administration is ruining the country. My favorite part of Peretz' piece, though, and by far his most damning condemnation of the mindset of the modern left is his three paragraph conclusion, which also echoes things I've written in this forum: "It is true: American liberals no longer believe in the axiomatic virtue of revolutions and revolutionaries. But let's face it: It's hard to get a candid conversation going about Cuba with one. The heavily documented evidence of Fidel Castro's tyranny notwithstanding, he still has a vestigial cachet among us. After all, he has survived Uncle Sam's hostility for more than 45 years. And, no, the Viet Cong didn't really exist. It was at once Ho Chi Minh's pickax and bludgeon in the south. Pose this question at an Upper West Side dinner party: What was worse, Nazism or Communism? Surely, the answer will be Nazism ... because Communism had an ideal of the good. This, despite the fact that communist revolutions and communist regimes murdered ever so many more millions of innocents and transformed the yearning of many idealists for equality into the brutal assertion of evil, a boot stamping on the human face forever. Sunday, February 13, 2005
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